june 2011 - Chammy's wedding
july 2011 - Lizette's wedding
november 2011 - Winah's wedding
december 2011 - Liz's wedding
In a span of 12 months, I've attended four (4) of my friends' weddings and they all offer the promise of new life for the new couple... :)
In a similar way, i welcome the new year with a new love for life...
so here's my version of a list of new year's resolutions:
1. complain less
2. say 'thank you' more often
3. laugh harder
4. regrets? forget it..
5. stop whining
6. always look at the good in people
7. confess more
8. apologize appropriately
9. expect nothing, give everything
10. smile
11. be open to suggestion
12. embrace change
13. inspire others more
14. erase indifference
15. enjoy every moment, you could die in an instant
16. savor the taste of everything u eat
and the list goes on... and on....
whats on YOUR list? :)